Argentum Online 2

AO2 > Main Page > Actual Page

Client 0.5.3

  1. Argentum Online 2
  2. Login
  3. Create a new Account
  4. Quit
  5. To create an account in our servers
  6. Enter your personal information and click continue
  7. Last name
  8. First name
  9. Username
  10. Password
  11. Confirm Password
  12. Primary e-mail address
  13. Secondary e-mail address
  14. Country
  15. Birth(year-month-day)
  16. Favorite game
  17. Cancel
  18. Continue
  19. Connecting to game server...
  20. Connection refused!!!
  21. Connection established!!!
  22. Login successful!!!
  23. Charater's location acknowledged!!!
  24. Charater's index acknowledged!!!
  25. Setting up character's environment!!!
  26. Initiating login sequence...
  27. Online players:
  28. Creating account in the game server...
  29. Setting up the language...
  30. Username already exists, please choose another one.
  31. Invalid username or password, make sure that your username and password have at least 6 characters
  32. Account created successfully!
  33. Please enter your account information.
  34. It was not possible to authenticate
  35. Make sure your account info is correct
  36. Account Management
  37. Create a character
  38. Use character
  39. Character Creation
  40. Please make sure to choose a fantasy name for your character
  41. We do not tolerate names with political, relgious and etnic
  42. connotations or any offensive allusion to the rest of players
  43. Character's name
  44. Race
  45. Human
  46. Elf
  47. Dark Elf
  48. Dwarf
  49. Gnome
  50. Dorkean
  51. Fighter
  52. Mage
  53. Cleric
  54. Druid
  55. Hunter
  56. Thief
  57. Assassin
  58. Pirate
  59. Ranger
  60. Bandit
  61. Blacksmith
  62. Carpenter
  63. Lumberjack
  64. Miner
  65. Fisher
  66. Merchant
  67. Farmer
  68. Paladin
  69. Profession
  70. Gender
  71. Male
  72. Female
  73. You cannot create more characters
  74. The character was created successfully
  75. Delete character
  76. Half Orc
  77. Half Ogre
  78. Half Elf
  79. Halfling
  80. You've struck to
  81. for
  82. strikes
  83. strikes
  84. kills
  85. The player is already dead!
  86. The Dead cannot do that!
  87. You've been ressurrected!
  88. Creating object (
  89. Receiving basic stats (
  90. There is nothing to take there
  91. Checking up client version...
  92. Client version is OK!!!!...
  93. Wrong client version, please download the latest client from our website
  94. You have risen a level
  95. You gain
  96. Dexterity
  97. Strength
  98. Perception
  99. Constitution
  100. Intelligence
  101. Will Power
  102. Charisma
  103. Beauty
  104. Hit
  105. Stamina
  106. Points
  107. Experience Points
  108. Experience Points
  109. You are already using a weapon! Try to unequip it!
  110. You are already wearing something! Try to unequip it!
  111. You cannot carry more gold!
  112. You cannot drop an equiped object
  113. Level
  114. Character Points
  115. Hit Points
  116. Stamina Points
  117. Food
  118. Water
  119. Gold
  120. Increase attribute
  121. Decrease attribute
  122. Increase skill
  123. Decrease skill
  124. Acquire a skill
  125. Apply changes
  126. Cancel
  127. Unarmed Combat
  128. Martial Arts
  129. Kung Fu
  130. Karate
  131. Judo
  132. Are you sure? Once you confirm it there is no coming back.
  133. misses!
  134. Armed Combat
  135. Melee Combat
  136. Range Combat
  137. Sword Fighting
  138. Short Weapons
  139. Axe Fighting
  140. Spear Fighting
  141. Miscelaneous Fighting
  142. Mace fighting
  143. Long Sword
  144. Two-Hande Sword
  145. Broad Sword
  146. Sword
  147. Dagger
  148. Knife
  149. War Axe
  150. Two-handed Axe
  151. War Spear
  152. Bow fighting
  153. Bow
  154. You are not good enough at
  155. You hit the object for
  156. You've logged on succesfully
  157. Welcome to Argentum Online 2!!!
  158. We hope you enjoy the game!
  159. You've closed the door
  160. You've opened the door
  161. You cannot open it, the door is locked
  162. You cannot use the object
  163. There is no character there!
  164. Invalid amount
  165. You should ask for a valid object
  166. No objects left, sorry
  167. You cannot afford it
  168. Thanks, it was a pleasure making business with you
  169. I'm not interested in trading
  170. Sorry, I don't want that object.
  171. I give you
  172. This is a safe zone, you cannot kill people here!
  173. Do you really want to exit the game?
  174. Do you want to go to the main menu?